Companies went out of business or cut back on space.
Now, those workers are the first to find themselves out of a job as companies cut back.
The company has cut its work force by 166, to 812.
The company lost nearly $2.5 billion from 1989 to 1991, and has cut more than half of its work force since 1988.
Companies also cut workers' hours for the first time since July.
The two companies cut more than 2,000 jobs from a total work force of 17,500.
We have seen companies cut 10 percent out of their health care costs when they take a more economic approach.
Finally, the various companies cut a deal, and Congress passed a bill.
The company recently cut its work force by 9,000, to 112,300 people.
He added that the company had cut 6,300 jobs in the last two years.