Mr. Tippet created the ballet last year at a workshop designed to give company dancers a chance to do choreography.
There is also a shadowy helper in the person of James Viveiros, another company dancer.
In part, she wanted to concentrate on directing, but she was also eager to give company dancers a chance to appear.
Since 2009 the company has been led by another former company dancer, Feng Ying.
Last April, company dancers took to the streets of Dallas in their costumes to solicit $500,000 from passers-by.
Change, as Miss Hodes, a former company dancer, observed, is inevitable.
"I realized that if Callie wasn't my first cast, I had to call on company dancers," he said.
Most of the hour involves the company dancers, in shifting configurations from solo to quintet.
"Skiva," another early work that was created by the company dancers, shows the heights to which Momix can rise.
Among the 11 company dancers in the cast, three women begin to struggle with their partners.