The average company, it is said, has exceeded earnings expectations for the 17th consecutive quarter.
As Jimmy did, companies first talked down expectations and then exceeded them.
The cuts almost certainly mean that the company will exceed its previously announced goal of cutting 10,000 jobs from the 98,000-employee work force.
If a company exceeded the price limit, it would have to make up the excess by lowering prices the next year.
Under its current agreement with lenders, the company cannot exceed $32.5 million in annual capital expenditures.
Women can be turned down if their company or neighborhood has exceeded its quota of births for the year.
In 1992, for example, only 375 companies exceeded the average percentage given by companies to their top executives.
The company has exceeded 3 percent annual growth in access lines, a relatively strong figure in the industry.
Some companies have already set policies that comply with the new rules, or even exceed them.
Commission members said companies exceed the limit in a variety of discreet ways.