The political heavyweights affiliated with Fannie Mae have not made the company slow footed, however.
The company is footing the bill for a 100-page media and delegate guide for the 100,000 people expected.
Though the government is supportive, companies foot most of the bill.
In most cases, the companies foot the bill and then hang the artwork in their boardrooms to stare down on future deliberations.
Their boats are floating billboards for the companies footing the bills.
The companies usually foot most of the bill, although some charge small amounts to students to help pay for hiring a teacher.
The small companies, some represented in Iraq by just one person, are footing hefty bills for travel and security in the hopes of winning a piece of Iraq's business.
While the decision could put the two companies on a more even footing in any negotiations to settle the conflict, there has been no sign that such talks are likely.
And the company is footing the bill for additional public relations, and it's factored into their earnings.
The company is footing the bill for two studies looking at the infrastructure of the town and the economic impact of the proposed annexation.