Your father and some of the others got in touch with the companies funding the university.
The device that the company funded has since helped more than 300m patients in operations.
"They allow companies to technically play by the rules and yet still not fund the promises they've made to their employees," he said.
Branson's already ruled out bank loans, so if there is serious need in future will other Virgin companies fund the airline?
It's also no secret that labor unions would rather bargain for new wages than ask companies to fund benefits their members already have.
The company was initially funded with about $100,000, and for the first five years, had nearly zero revenue.
This is for the guy who has just won the lottery or whose company is funding the purchase (same thing).
A few companies have funded a municipal agency to provide referral services.
Within existing Compacts, companies have funded prizes for attendance, computers, conferences and other activities.
Instead, the company funded itself with customer revenues.