Enraged by this unprovoked attack the workers chased away the company goons and returned to pick up the bodies of their fallen comrades and treat the wounded.
In the 1920's and 1930's, deployment of club-swinging company goons stirred sympathy for striking workers and made the American labor movement an institution in the nation's mainstream.
Behind Remo was where bloody strikes and bloody company goons wrote labor history.
Now, it is my suspicion that this company goon, this strong-arm man, will attack me with a pistol.
Southern sheriffs and D.C. police and company goons.
A weapon in each hand, as he gunned down the company goons from the Baldwin-Felts detective agency.
We kicked the hell out of a lot of guys, the company goons.
He remembers the days of company goons.
As a labour organiser, he served many prison terms when his workforce engaged in fights with company goons.
"These company goons won't give me any kind of a straight story," he said hoarsely.