Some companies have actually hesitated to have mine rescue teams for fear of being sued.
Similarly, companies may hesitate to raise dividends until they are confident that profits are rising.
Big companies don't hesitate to drop a fortune building and then repeating a brand image.
For fear of the old ruins and Paravian haunting, companies hesitate to track there.
"Western European and West German companies are hesitating at this time," he said.
Japanese companies have hesitated to adopt the structure because it has inherent disadvantages under the current tax code.
Neither company hesitated to take its case to the Web.
And companies hesitate to raise prices when potential competitors, also rich with cash, may try to move in.
The main reason companies hesitate, of course, is the cost - most finance chiefs are paid six-figure salaries.
The companies, which together have about 18 million paying subscribers in the United States, hesitate to put a figure on the price of satellite piracy.