They've watched Fortune 500 companies implode, seemingly in days (Enron), and admired entrepreneurs who became billionaires in what seemed like nanoseconds (Google).
Suddenly, at the pinnacle of its success, the company imploded amid intrigue and acrimony.
Consider the Enron tapes, the secretly recorded conversations of Enron employees that surfaced after the company imploded.
"The company literally imploded," he said, noting that in nearly three years, Gateway managed a profit in one quarter.
"It's clear now to us that key players at both Enron and Andersen knew of the problems months before the company imploded," Mr. Johnson said.
Even as investigators try to reconstruct what happened, many people have started to ask why no action was taken long before the company imploded in December.
When the share price never recovered and the company imploded, Turnbridge was ruined.
MOST of Reciprocal's policyholders noticed nothing amiss until the whole company imploded a little more than two years ago.
The company will implode in days and 1 million domain names are going to be lost.
The company imploded in December, after making only a few payments; the rest is most likely lost for good.