Similarly, companies that prospered on outsourced Year 2000 repair work are leveraging those contacts into other technical support deals.
The company may be leveraging mobile advertising opportunities for a long-rumored tablet product expected to be announced later this month.
The company leveraged its international drilling experience to other areas of the world, and by mid-1943 had established a presence in the oil fields of Venezuela.
And Russian companies have leveraged their natural-resource wealth to set up distribution channels and make acquisitions in the West.
The company has leveraged its technology portfolio to expand into a number of large markets.
When your company is leveraging digital content and signing telecommunications deals, you're not a part of the publishing economy anymore.
To protect itself, the company leveraged itself heavily with billions of dollars of debt in order to buy back stock.
The company is also leveraging its expertise in biorisk to bring new infection management regimes to the world's health systems.
The company has leveraged its substantial international presence and experience in projects on all continents.
With the growing trend toward globalization, more companies are leveraging resources wherever they are available in the world.