She came to find his company reassuring and comforting in the days of the siege, when death, disease and starvation gripped the city.
"When supply is back to normal, production of "Golden Annie" will resume," the company reassured.
The also company reassured its partners that the sale of physical media through Walmart would be unaffected.
In a conference call with analysts yesterday, the company reassured investors that its cash and liquidity positions were sound.
But governance watchdogs said that companies should reassure shareholders that such transactions did not compromise the independence of the board member.
The company reassured investors at the end of last week by posting better-than-expected earnings, and its stock rose a bit.
The company, at an analysts' meeting late Tuesday, reassured Wall Street that it still planned to repurchase some of its stock.
The company had reassured nervous investors this spring that the new figures, restated after $1.1 billion worth of accounting irregularities, would be released in mid-August.
Some critics, though, stressed that the company could not reassure consumers without improving wages in its factories.
The company of people younger than himself reassured him; Lazarus was the only elder he felt easy with.