The bill could require companies to recycle 60 percent of the packaging in five years and 80 percent in eight years, she said.
The company recycles more than 40 million tires a year at 17 plants in North America.
Although the company recycles a variety of materials, the vast majority, 85 percent by weight, consists of paper products.
The company, which estimates 1991 sales at $700 million, recycles fluids that are commonly used to clean greasy, dirty metal parts in service stations.
The rest of the trash that foreign companies do not recycle are placed into new landfills.
Will the company recycle it for me?
There are a host of items in lying around your house that companies are recycling into chic, eye-catching wallpaper.
The company recycles metals by shaping them in bars, cables, etc.
The company recycles 700 tons of paper a year and 200 million soft-drink cans.
Its companies recycle over 95% of the UK's metal waste - around 13 million tonnes.