Now, apparently, it's okay if a company reneges on a pension commitment.
During a cold snap last winter that drove prices up overnight, some companies reneged on their contracts because they had not hedged against price volatility.
However, the company reneged on their promise and the house was abandoned.
He contends that the company has reneged on a solemn compact.
If either company reneges on the deal, it would be forced to pay a $550 million breakup fee.
When the company reneged on that and other promises, she said, she organized the demonstration.
I think the companies are reneging on their responsibility to American women.
City officials say they have toughened the rules to make sure companies do not renege on their commitments.
She said the company had also reneged on its promise to show independent films, but did keep a pledge not to show "urban action" movies.
Then, after the song's release, the recording company allegedly reneged on promotion of it without explanation.