To make them, the company has retooled its cutting dies in 23 United States manufacturing plants.
Your article states, "Eventually, the city hopes that private companies will assume control of the marine transfer stations and retool them."
The protection would be denied, he argues, unless the company retools its factories to compete more effectively and the work force accepts retraining.
Beyond Reorganization Certainly, many companies in the region and around the country have re-engineered and retooled in the recession.
Many existing companies in traditional manufacturing states have retooled to enter the wind industry.
The budget contains no money to help the companies retool.
The company retooled beginning in 2002 after massive layoffs and a new focus on developing a pay for performance ad network model.
Some companies are retooling existing phone models, adding features and looks that appeal to young users.
Japanese companies have cut costs, retooled plants and moved expensive factories overseas.
To get it, the company is retooling its marketing techniques to tap the consumer base that it missed the first time: blacks, Hispanics and other minorities.