Good company shortens the miles, to say naught of making them less dangerous.
When a company shortens its accounting period, the new filing deadline will be the longer of:
In 1987, the company shortened its name to Towers Perrin.
Reflecting this diversification, the company shortened its name to Pawling Corporation in 1987.
On the 11th of May, 2012, the company shortened its name to Ericpol.
Some companies have shortened the work week to allow more family time, but such moves are rare and not always popular.
The company shortened its name to Williams Kastner in 2006 as part of a rebranding of the firm.
In 1937 the company shortened its name to the Trans-Lux Corporation.
There is a German proverb which observes that cheerful company shortens the journey.
But any company that is seeking to bring in specific people for work can already shorten the process to a matter of weeks - for a price.