Each member, whether a company or an individual person underwrites on a several basis and is responsible for their own share of any profits or losses.
More than 20 companies are underwriting the program, which is estimated to cost them more than $175,000.
The company also underwrote the day for 10 Bronx youngsters.
Currently, the company underwrites insurance for businesses in approximately 180 different countries.
From the beginning, the company has underwritten the program.
If no company will underwrite his tours, he could spend his own money.
At the center's national conference last month, the companies underwrote meals and a dinner cruise.
And in some industries, it's somewhat expected that a company will underwrite continued professional development.
By that time the performing company should be making enough to cover the nut, underwrite the school, and still show a profit.
Just because you want a $5 million policy and can pay the premiums on it does not mean a company will underwrite that amount.