Smoking is now banned in any substantially enclosed public places, workplaces or company vehicles used by more than one person.
Each light represented a company vehicle, and the winking ones indicated those actually being driven at that moment.
The company vehicles were probably used to deliver the weapons.
He had hoped to use the Checker as both a personal car and a company vehicle.
Your metal production business may use company vehicles to transport materials and goods, or for staff business travel.
Note: January tags are issued to company vehicles, based on the first three letters of the company name.
It is also against the law to smoke in workplaces and company vehicles used by more than one person.
He said he remembered thinking that he would not escape in one car because it was a company vehicle.
The importance of the position is reflected in the salary and benefits package offered which includes a company vehicle.
For instance, some new companies may use a term loan to buy company vehicles or rent more space for their operations.