But, he said, the stimulation generated by the herbal ingredients is comparable to that from a cup of coffee - and at a higher price.
There is nothing comparable at the national level in the history of the game.
The weather was comparable to early summer at Terminus City.
The tile selection is comparable to what you might see in a showroom, at similar prices.
The light level increased until it was comparable to that in a deep forest at night.
Quasi-experiments are subject to concerns regarding internal validity, because the treatment and control groups may not be comparable at baseline.
Weight for the two craft is comparable, at 70 pounds.
Half a dozen of them, he believes, are comparable to Mozart and Wagner at their best.
In this way the data provided by individual Member States will be comparable at both European and regional level, as is often necessary.
However, the final total in the group kitty was comparable with that of previous seasons, at $104,000.