Several other universities also have comparable establishments, including the Skull and Bones at Yale, The Ivy Club at Princeton and the Porcellian Club at Harvard.
Dining at one of the French restaurants in the vicinity will cost much less than at comparable establishments near Albertville or in New York City.
If none of your choices are available, a comparable establishment will be booked on your behalf.
Ratings: Poor Satisfactory Very good Excellent Extraordinary These ratings are based on the reviewer's reaction to food and price in relation to comparable establishments.
Although located in a magnificent building with extensive grounds, the quality of living accommodation was lower than may be expected for sixth-form students at most other comparable establishments.
These ratings are based on the reviewer's reaction to food and price in relation to comparable establishments.
Howland later used the experience as the subject of her best-known work, Papa's Own Girl (1874), a novel about an American father and daughter living in a comparable fictional establishment in New England.