They share some of their comparative disadvantages; for example they are typically restricted to a limited number of symbols, and hence messages.
That increases the comparative disadvantage of highcost, high-bulk transport, and transporting anything across stellar distances is costly.
A value of less than unity implies that the country has a revealed comparative disadvantage in the product.
The comparative disadvantage of DTG is equipment maintenance and ink cost.
Less obvious, but equally important factors concern the economic and market distortions which influence the comparative disadvantage of many areas.
The issue is not simply one of comparative disadvantage within or between relatively rich countries.
Thus Britain has committed heavy expenditures to just those areas in which she is at a massive comparative disadvantage against the USA.
In spite of their comparative disadvantage at presentation, female patients had a similar likelihood of a favorable one-year treatment outcome.
This can often be a process of the owner relinquishing the functions for which there is a comparative disadvantage for his or her continued involvement.
And under the cruel but fair laws of Charles Darwin, that left them at a comparative disadvantage.