Although Soler did not provide any comparative evidence, our data show the opposite pattern.
Brothels in Rome are known from literary sources, regionary lists, and comparative archaeological evidence from Pompeii.
The comparative evidence of explosion tests that duplicate the situation of the actual explosion supports the determination the blast was initiated between bags one and two.
"They recognize that skeletal material is the best comparative evidence we have for the human condition over such a long period of time, but it is not perfect."
Nor is the comparative evidence of the allocation of functions between state organizations in liberal democracies very favourable for the theory (Sharpe, 1984).
All motor oil labels wear mark similar to "of outstanding quality" or "quality additives," the actual comparative evidence is always lacking.
The earlier history of the Romani language is completely undocumented, and is understood primarily through comparative linguistic evidence.
Finally, recent studies based on paleontological data or comparative anatomical evidence strongly suggest that the neocortex was already present in the earliest emerging mammals.
It is commonly accepted that the driving force for mimicry is predator behavior, as can be shown in various computer and mathematical models and comparative evidence.
That said, the difference between the two artists seems clear from comparative evidence.