No opinion has been expressed, you may say, upon the comparative merits of the sexes even as writers.
We do not discuss the comparative merits of religions, and the speaker holds the floor until he yields it to another of his choice.
But since all faiths are imperfect, the question of the comparative merit of different religions does not arise.
The comparative merits of the two modes of conveyance it does not become us to discuss.
The Washington law says no health plan may limit the right of doctors and patients to discuss the "comparative merits" of different plans.
In the meantime, Mr. Fish said, primary voters "are going to have to make judgments themselves on the comparative merits of the Democratic candidates."
I've been a judge on various writing competitions, and I know how decisions about comparative merit get made.
In the course of the lesson they had drifted into a discussion of the comparative merits of ideographic and alphabetical writing.
Eight invited experts submit articles based on a useful piece of advice, and the journalists vote on their comparative merit.
He continued, moving on to the comparative merits of the bakeries of lower Manhattan.