His nomination by the Republicans was contentious, with opposition coming primarily from radical antislavery interests opposed to his comparatively moderate stand on the issue.
It has a comparatively moderate body.
They remained, nonetheless, comparatively moderate; they were largely loyal to the government and condemned the violence of radical Islamist groups.
Curiously, this is because Mashaei has a reputation for being comparatively moderate and unpredictable.
She is deterred by her comparatively moderate husband by being reminded that Alice is only a child.
Nimbostratus and some cumulus clouds in this family usually only achieve comparatively moderate vertical extent.
It is true that balloons, in the first stage of their ascensions from the earth, are known to rise with a velocity comparatively moderate.
Purged of its comparatively moderate and democratic elements, English Fascism came into its own.
Even autistic children with comparatively moderate intellectual abilities can learn to live useful and independent lives.
This had been a comparatively moderate document dominated by the party's right wing, placing emphasis upon immediate ameliorative demands rather than long-term universal objectives.