In fact, it was compared at the time to analogous earlier riots in Bristol and Manchester.
MacInnes can be compared to Robert Service, not least in the fact of their popularity in Canada at the time.
Can different parts of the notation be compared side-by-side at the same time?
The discovery of phosphates could be compared at the time to the gold rush of America's far-west.
Thus, a multivariate approach trying to compare very different gene expression patterns at the same time might lead to loss of information.
Because the plot of The Bride is rather simple when compared to his other works at the time, Byron experiments with the meter and language.
These were all large aircraft types when compared to other regional aircraft in operation at the time.
That compares with an original projection of $2 billion at the time of the merger in September 2000.
I compared the planetary patterns at the time of the abdication crisis in l936 with those that are around now.
The Dow Jones information services group has purchased two extremely powerful computers that can compare many articles at the same time.