With so many teams, it is difficult to compare one team's record to another since their competition may have varied greatly.
Professor Baks compared each manager's overall record over that time with the track records of the mutual funds he managed.
He also compared each manager's record at a fund to a market benchmark that reflected the fund's style and investments.
These are usually followed by advertisements comparing a candidate's record to his opponent's.
Joe Torre, the manager, walks out of the room if others start comparing his team's incredible record with other standards in baseball history.
It shouldn't have to compare its record to third world dictatorships in order to look humane.
Comparing Healthnet's record to that of competing plans is difficult because statistics are scant and sometimes incomplete.
It also said that comparing its record with those of other retailers might be difficult because companies may define who is a manager differently.
"Compare his record and mine," the Senator said.
Compare his record with today's opera superstars.