He compared his role to that of a lawyer whose client pays for his advice but ignores it.
He compared his own role as a garden designer to that of a poet or composer.
Comparing his role to that of a father with his children, he refused to give up on a business that was going through hard times.
He diplomatically avoided baited questions comparing his role to Taylor's.
Comparing the company's role to that of a newspaper's classified advertising section, he said that "eBay was simply providing a forum."
Several compared their role proudly to that of a pilot, claiming as much credit as the pilots for the safety of air travel.
He compared his role, however, to that of a gun manufacturer.
To illustrate this argument, he compares his own social and moral role with that of Jesus Christ:
One may conceivably compare its role to that of the University of Paris during the Middle Ages.
As a spokesman for the agency, I often compared our role to that of a doctor called upon to make a diagnosis and prescribe a cure.