Cherpitel recently compared patients presenting to an ED with those presenting to primary care in the same metropolitan area.
The closest one can come to this is comparing patients who are placed in therapy with those on a waiting list.
In coming months, expansions will include an artificial intelligence "protocol" program that compares past patients and procedures with the facts in the current case.
They say it lacks accurate norms to serve as benchmarks for comparing healthy and sick patients.
It compared uninsured and privately insured patients, excluding Medicaid patients because of widely different payment policies from state to state.
They compared patients using a home blood pressure device and those wearing a 24-hour ambulatory monitor.
The study, which followed 10,000 people over five years, compared patients taking 10 milligrams of Lipitor with those taking 80 milligrams, the maximum dose.
To assess the method, he compared patients treated with damage control with similar, seriously injured patients who had had traditional surgery.
This scale gives scientists and clinicians a way to compare patients and determine the range of the disorder.