Besides, the bureau has a reasonably good track record, especially compared with its counterparts in other countries.
Limited menus and appointments make it difficult to compare restaurants in the Soviet Union with their American counterparts.
Before the 1970's, immigrants entered the country with smaller earning gaps, compared with their native counterparts, and made far more progress in closing the gap.
I had written two papers comparing the political participation of Taiwanese women with their counterparts on the mainland.
He compares the games with their modern counterparts, lamenting the loss of creativity in modern youths.
He read the original texts comparing them with their western counterparts.
That study will compare thousands of Edison students with their counterparts at more traditional public schools.
You can't compare us with our European counterparts.
"If you take even the best private colleges and compare them with their white counterparts, even they aren't doing very well economically."
But the young adults in today's board game vanguard are thinking less about sociology than how physical games compare with their electronic counterparts.