There was a rumor that Hiram kept a bed here, rolled up in a compartment built into the walls.
Do you have any concealed compartments or drawers built into your steel hide?
Wireless trucks had special compartments built into the bodywork to house wireless equipment.
Later on we'll get the agricultural compartments built, but there's always five times as much work as we have people to do it with.
The four of us were crowded into a small compartment built into a tiny space between the forward and aft starboard buoyancy tanks.
The weapons were hidden under a compartment built into the stairs leading to the cabins, and the hatch was hidden by a throw rug.
Officers receive instruction in how to look for secret compartments built into a vehicle.
Fumbling for the oxygen mask in the compartment built into the wheelchair's side, Carnaby groused, "All right, let me think about it."
From a compartment built into the leg, the cyborg removed one of his weapons hands, attached it to the arm.
Cab cars are control cars similar to regular passenger car, but with a full driver's compartment built into one or both ends.