Topics generally include animal and eco-advocacy, social justice, spirituality, and compassionate use of creative arts.
It allows "compassionate use" of some unapproved drugs by individual patients.
"When it came up under the guise of the 'compassionate use' of marijuana, we got the worst of both worlds."
We are about compassionate use for the sick.
However, the monoclonal antibody cetuximab has been used in compassionate use for treatment of Ménétrier's disease.
"We felt we could not turn them away and so gave the drug in compassionate use."
The San Francisco club has been left alone because of a series of "compassionate use" resolutions and decisions by the city powers.
Those who favor legalization have hooked their wagon to those advocating compassionate use of marijuana for very sick people.
People receiving DDI through compassionate use do not meet the criteria for the clinical trial.
Even before the state initiative, the City Council instructed the police not to pursue crimes "regarding the distribution of marijuana for compassionate medical use."