Google uses the compatibility requirements to ensure a mostly uniform Android experience across devices and prevent certain kinds of fragmentation.
Japanese and European researchers are also trying to develop high-definition systems that would meet the F.C.C.'s compatibility requirements.
ANSWER: Every manufacturer of a certified component is required to state the compatibility requirements with other components that may be included in a final assembled system.
There are enormous risks unless very specific compatibility requirements are met" "What rejection?
Are any compatibility requirements clearly and unambiguously stated?
Do the compatibility requirements make sense given the use-cases?
Are any obvious gaps or restrictions in compatibility requirements covered by the future enhancements section?
It also aims at simplifying compatibility requirements in strongly heterogeneous server and storage landscapes.
Because of this compatibility requirement, color standards added a second signal to the basic monochrome signal, which carries the color information.
But flexibility can still be achieved as long as the IT managers dictate essential compatibility requirements.