At the moment, an open question is to what degree polymer solar cells can commercially compete with silicon solar cells and the other thin-film cells.
But further improvements will probably have to be made before these can compete commercially with wood-engraving as practised by the "new American School."
These states competed with each other both militarily and commercially.
Inability to compete commercially is a very effective censorship, which (as usual) those with power blame on the victims.
During the 1970s and 1980s Wimbledon town centre struggled to compete commercially with the more developed centres at Kingston and Sutton.
The public response was incredible, enabling the station to compete commercially with other local stations and raise much needed funds.
It was intended to compete commercially with the contemporary Douglas DC-2 and the Boeing 247.
Canterbury rock wasn't showy or bombastic enough to compete commercially with the music that eventually gave progressive rock a bad name.
Though milk paint has been used for thousands of years it does not compete commercially with oil paints mostly due to its short shelf life.
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company gradually developed a chain of ships using short-wave radio communications which could commercially compete with undersea cables.