The Aenir competed ferociously, bring new edge to the competitions.
How many young adolescents, without ceaseless external pressure, would be driven to compete ferociously, day after day, despite pain?
Even so, specific magazines will have to compete ferociously for available dollars.
The Alfonzos competed ferociously in the winter league, feeding the feud.
He competes ferociously in everything from rotisserie baseball to weekend golf.
Like any other business, they will compete ferociously with each other for their core product: information.
He compared business to international relations during peace time, when countries compete ferociously but exercise restraint to avoid war.
With total sales this year of about $32 billion, it competes ferociously on price and puts constant pressure on suppliers.
Lobbyists competed ferociously to stage the most sumptuous reception for junketeers.
The high-tech companies, all of whom were small only a few years back, never gave it a moment's thought - as they competed ferociously.