She said education should not have to compete for city dollars with other services like snow removal.
Libraries are too important to be forced to compete with other services, like police and fire, for scarce city dollars.
But they question whether they will be able to compete with Government-sponsored launching services.
Banks are becoming very general financial-service businesses, unable to compete with specialized services like commercial credit companies.
Information technologies must also compete with other amenities and necessary services for space.
Many corporate foundations have cut back because of the recession, she said, and increasingly, "the arts will compete with human services for money."
Depending on the specific details of implementation, a free or very low-cost service may be unlikely to compete with paid services that offer greater capabilities.
Moreover, they say they think the commercial services will complement and not compete with free services that are emerging in urban areas around the country.
By abdicating responsibility for America's poor to the states, we force children to compete with services like fire and police protection.
However, Councils are not allowed to support journeys that would compete with commercial services.