Mariners entering training programs after August 1, 1998 are required to meet the competency standards of the new 1995 Amendments.
With Florida, Connecticut was a leader in requiring minimum competency standards for high school graduates.
During this time the student must collect evidence of having met certain competency standards set by the GPhC.
For mathematics, 59.2 percent met or exceeded the competency standards, compared with 68 percent statewide.
HPCU is also developing competency standards for involvement in high performance computing endeavors.
Depending on grade level, 25 percent to 50 percent of Dallas students can not meet the state's competency standard.
Districts could provide only basic remedial programs for students who had not met basic competency standards.
Recommended professional competency standards of the fire association suggest that such training be provided, Mr. Demers said.
It will map your qualification against its competency standard.
One occasion when she did came during a discussion of applying competency standards, perhaps national in scope, to schoolteachers.