In his own way, Kyle Haven was a competent captain.
Loneliness and responsibility, two things faced with confidence by a competent captain but which became corrosive acids to destroy an uncertain man.
I saved the painting, but perhaps if the ship had had a competent captain we wouldn't have foundered in the first place.
In short-two competent senior captains, one captain that might have promise, and two undercaptains who need watching.
For the first time Chekov could remember, the competent, battle-hardened captain from their future looked inexpressibly weary and old.
Karalius, would you be good enough to send me that very competent young captain of yours?
He's a nice guy and a competent captain, but he has a strange capacity to worry copilots.
Valerie Dunn was a capable and apparently quite competent captain.
She was a highly "competent" captain, but young and inexperienced.
I know nothing better than a schooner, a competent captain, and a sound reliable reef.