And, indeed, he is a more than competent writer.
It's exciting, down-to-the-wire stuff, well told by Ms. Wills, a competent writer who has apparently done her homework.
Both authors are competent writers, if not literary ones.
Above them is a group which is slightly smaller but still large and welcoming; these are the competent writers.
Devan was a competent and accomplished writer, who used several interesting and varied techniques in fiction writing.
A competent reader regains the total message of a competent writer.
Either the guy was a very, very competent creative writer, or it was true.
She needs to get a competent writer to feed her songs to sing if she wants to become a real success... period.
Despite the stereotyped characters, Mr. DiMercurio is a competent writer who manages to hold the reader's attention.
And there is only one kind of experience that counts as necessary to a competent writer: experience of mankind.