To develop skilled, knowledgeable and competitive workforce in a harmonious industrial relations with social justice.
Standards focus on the goal of a literate and economically competitive workforce.
The USA state and federal governments have also placed global studies as a key priority for preparing a competitive workforce.
Simply put, America cannot lead in the 21st century without the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world.
Our nation's military spouses possess the hard work ethic, the skills, the education and the dedication that make them ideal employees in a competitive workforce.
Recent studies show the workforce to be educated, productive and competitive with 10 percent underemployed.
Although we face many challenges in education, we must work to improve educational opportunities for our children, helping create a stronger and more competitive workforce.
The new law will also strengthen community college and professional training programs, helping us prepare more Americans for a competitive and highly-skilled workforce.
ACTE's core purpose is to provide leadership in developing an educated, prepared, and competitive workforce.
Through education a better and more competitive workforce is created, which in turn enables stronger growth to be achieved.