The strategy gained market share, but now competitors have matched the cuts and profit margins are being hurt with no gain in new customers.
Some things haven't changed, however, Woodworkers from the Erzgebirge are still producing top quality folk art that few competitors can match.
This often stirs competitors to match efforts and widen consumer choice.
Again, some competitors matched the discounts, and others said they were studying them.
But such increases have become so predictable that competitors often match the improvement within months.
With computer reservations systems, airlines now instantly signal their fares to each other, and competitors almost always match them.
And Dell has honed the direct business model to a level of low-cost efficiency that its competitors cannot match.
CRM programs should be directed towards customer value that competitors cannot match.
A recent study found that, if competitors do match price cuts, industry profits can get cut almost in half.
Once a competitor matches all nine, the meaning of a tenth symbol is revealed.