She has also compiled a collection of prose, book reviews and photo essays.
How does a college coach compile a collection of first-round picks?
The Percys compiled a collection of anecdotes, on a similar plan.
Cold Spring has compiled a collection of reviews of the album.
Along the way, she compiled an enormous collection of papers that she gifted to the government in 1931.
In the book, the author compiles a collection of short stories that examine "what happens when people's personal coping skills go awry."
The cardinal actually compiled a systematic collection of Basel's documents, which is found only in manuscript form.
Drawing from Jung and other work on symbolism he compiled a collection of 400 stories along with an accompanying commentary.
He lived in Uganda from 1937 to 1957 and compiled an extensive collection of field recordings there between 1949 and 1952.
At the time of his death, he was compiling a collection of his essays.