However, there is no supporting evidence of this beyond local histories compiled in the late 19th century.
This can clearly be seen in a stock book compiled in the mid-18th century.
They were compiled in the thirteenth century, and are the largest collection of surviving medieval laws.
However the Chronicle was compiled in the 13th century and so the contradictory parentage is considered a mistake.
The book was, however, first compiled in the eighteenth century.
It seems to have been compiled in the early 4th century.
The current text appears to have been compiled in the late 4th or early 5th century; the first print edition is from 1483.
It was compiled in the 4th century in Israel.
The earliest local chronicle was compiled in the late 11th century.
The manuscript was compiled in the late 14th century, but many genealogies are thought to be considerably older.