Until now, three reports have been published compiling different studies and materials of historical research about the humanitarian actions carried out by Roncalli when he was nuncio.
Many of the missionaries compiled studies or dictionaries of the First Nations and Native American languages which they learned.
Over the years he had processed dozens of pairs through his laboratory, compiling detailed medical reports as well as intensive psychological studies.
He compiled several books of drawings, detailed and accurate studies of fauna and flora drawn with a poetic naturalism, and elegant costumes.
To make their case, city officials have compiled studies that show a fine line between killers and their prey.
He mainly compiled studies, projects and documentations on Hanging-houses and Spacenets.
In the intervening years he compiled various studies of Indian communities that were based on ideas that are now considered to constitute scientific racism.
In addition to compiling studies and reports, the company provides measurement and control technology and custom-made laboratory equipment.
The Carnegie researchers, who surveyed more than 1,000 parents, visited choice programs across the country and compiled other studies, present the most adverse criticism of statewide choice programs.
Some hospitals maintained libraries and training programs, and doctors compiled their medical and pharmacological studies in manuscripts.