In contrast, Susan Salter Reynolds of the Los Angeles Times praised Only Words for "lighting a fire under the complacent acceptance of pornography and inequality, racial and sexual, in this country."
Mr. Andersen's intention is clearly to challenge the audience's complacent acceptance of what these films depict, but he ends up substituting one form of complacency for another.
Cardona's complacent acceptance of the fingerprint "evidence" was not shared by The Shadow.
Those men and women who had settled into a complacent acceptance of their adopted world were reminded once again of half-forgotten legends of ancient Iconia and its lost grandeur.
"I expect such complacent acceptance from the overall population, but you should be able to see into the shadows and read details that only an expert would notice."
Had everyone on Homeworld already settled into such a complacent acceptance of the new order of things in liberated Manza that normal air traffic between the continents had resumed?
Her tone suggested complacent acceptance, if nothing like full understanding.
Reynolds sought to shake his readers' complacent acceptance of Cold War capitalism by depicting a variety of post-capitalist near futures, many of which he envisioned could occur around the year 2000.
There were other times when the temptation to complacent acceptance of his situation and the abandonment of his task was very strong.
What Simon argues is a complacent acceptance of the status quo until the status quo become untenable.