I have also received complaints about the damage caused to his shop by your bully-boys.
Multiple complaints about the lack of control of third party involvement have caused many users to stop using the service.
A re-recorded version of the theme was also introduced in 1999, but complaints caused it to be quickly reverted to the original.
At Michaelmas 1769 he had his first attack of gout, which complaint afterwards caused him severe and frequent suffering.
The Sultan's complaint caused "a great deal of trouble" to Portuguese in China.
The advertising watchdog body upheld the complaints saying the notices could cause 'grave distress'.
Her complaint caused the government to investigate the quality of food served to detainees in Malaysian police lock-ups.
These charges and complaints, coupled with his very real health problems, caused the general to send a letter of resignation.
But neighbors' complaints that visitors were trespassing on their property caused that policy to be enacted.
And, if that happens, Gilbert's complaints will have caused exactly the outcome he tried to avoid the first time.