It appears that his complaints have not fallen upon deaf ears.
In the past, he said, complaints about the police fell on deaf ears.
The complaints about the budget office approach, which had no defenders at the hearing, fell into three categories.
Christopher Stone, the institute's director, said that in the two years the line has operated, complaints have fallen 50 percent.
If your complaint falls within any of these three categories, it will be dismissed.
On both counts, he said, the complaint fell short.
The complaints about the men basically fell into three categories: They litter.
But in September and October, complaints fell by 18 percent when compared with the same period last year.
But complaints fell to 18 in February, the last month for which figures are available.
Meanwhile, complaints to the department's consumer affairs office about air travel fell significantly last month, to 2,033 from 2,584 in March.