If your landlord doesn't listen to your demands for heat or hot water, the city has a 24-hour complaint line, (212) 960-4800.
To report a problem, call the agency's 24-hour complaint line at (718) 699-9811.
Metro-North, through its complaint line, balks at this idea.
Once a month, I would go on the 1-800 complaint line and answer customer complaints for an hour.
The number of the complaint hot line in Beijing is (area code 01) 513 0828.
But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.
He considered it a rebuke from the team's fans, a sort of group phone call to the complaint hot line.
But there is a big difference between running a complaint line and showing results.
A friendly atmosphere is maintained by a complaint line which is provided and closely watched.
If the Health Department's complaint line gets news of a smoking violation, it is supposed to dispatch an inspector.