Most complementary currencies are also local currencies and are limited to a certain region.
Airline frequent flyer miles are a form of complementary currency that promotes customer-loyalty in exchange for free travel.
He is the originator of a complementary currency called the terra.
Emission state of the currency, complementary currencies for local trade, nationalization (health, central bank, commercial banks and strategic sectors).
The swap is a virtual, complementary currency in use on the easyswap platform.
In complementary currencies' field, demurrage is a cost associated with owning or holding currency.
Most complementary currencies have multiple purposes and/or are intended to address multiple issues.
Some complementary currencies incorporate value scales based on time or the backing of real resources (gold, oil, services, etc.).
Monetary speculation and gambling are usually outside the design parameters of complementary currencies.
The basis for the acceptability of complementary currency shifted to their use to pay taxes.