Breads and rolls are the perfect opportunity to wow your dinner guests with surprising and complementary flavors.
The grilled chicken corn chowder served one Friday at lunch was a delight of textures and complementary flavors.
If you desire a side vegetable for added color, sauteed spinach seasoned with cumin is quick and has a complementary flavor.
The polenta aroma and flavor just beckon for summer produce and simple, complementary flavors.
And her fricassee of lamb with braised artichokes ($19) is a study in complementary flavors.
It's an elegant starter, almost balletic in its play of contrasting, complementary flavors and textures.
It was a satisfying plate of complementary flavors, though the sauce was a bit oily and heavy on the cinnamon.
The author's close attention to complementary flavors not only is intriguing, but also makes a big difference in the final result.
Mezedes, or appetizers, are grouped in combinations so that diners can appreciate complementary flavors.
Furthermore, that same cooking water can be seasoned or spiced with almost any complementary flavor you can think of.