The Leigh plant, which uses French equipment, can cope with large lorry tyres and so will work in 'a complementary manner' to the Elm Energy plant.
The principle was that some systems could be reversed and operated in a complementary manner.
It works in a collaborative and complementary manner with other faculties and administrative bodies of the university.
In both the preceding cases, the insurgents and rebel fighters were working in conjunction with or in a manner complementary to regular forces.
G.9970 (G.hnta) and G.9960 ( are two ITU-T Recommendations that address home networking in a complementary manner.
The two titles under review both respond to this need albeit in quite different, if not complementary, manners.
Gilbert Schellenger, an architect who specialized in rowhouses built on speculation, designed the five houses in a complementary but not identical manner.
Many houses have outbuildings and barns built in a manner complementary to the dwellings.
In some cultures, there are dualistic myths, featuring two culture heroes arranging the world in a complementary manner.
All these areas are complementary and we will continue to address them in a complementary, comprehensive manner, not allowing one to be played off against the other.