By then, Mr. Dowling owned the Carlyle and planned a complementary structure for the site across Madison.
Mike Parker Pearson believes that Durrington Walls was a complementary structure to Stonehenge, as evidenced by the similar solstice alignments.
He synthesized molecules that took this chemistry into three dimensions, creating an array of differently shaped molecules that could interact selectively with other chemicals because of their complementary three-dimensional structures.
The complementary or anti-symmetric structure of the immunity functions is evident from eqs.
Also developed a complementary structure of locker rooms, nursing and other units, suitable for teaching the subject physical education and recreation of the educational community of ISMDDC.
He then began a career as a designer in the field of sports facilities such as racetracks, stadiums and their complementary structures.
The CyI is organized around two major complementary academic structures: the College and the Research Centers.
Village Community School has almost doubled in size by grafting a complementary new structure to its 19th-century home at 272 West 10th Street.
He also sought to remake the neighborhood by dominating one stretch of real estate with complementary structures, and he planned a separate building with meeting rooms and sports facilities.
Though some of these music schools do forego requiring prospective applicants to meet university admission standards, most still follow a strict complementary structure of general education along with music education.