The new design firm started with 26 employees and the complementary talents of its three founders, who each assumed a distinct role in the firm's operations.
'The team have different, complementary talents and come from every Division in the Company,' said Keith.
It would probably be some complementary talent.
Soviet critics "blended three richly different and highly complementary talents into one historical and professional personality."
But Frank has Kidd, one of the game's great point guard, and the explosive and complementary talent around him.
The reason, besides stress, is that the co-chiefs are often chosen for different and complementary talents.
Ms. Jordan thinks that partnerships between corporations and young entrepreneurs will become increasingly common because of their complementary talents.
Collaboration makes a partnership work, and the best collaborations often bring together people with complementary talents.
Such a view differed markedly from Beveridge's characterisation of marriage as a 'partnership' of equals with different but complementary talents.
Their complementary talents ensured the quick success of the business, which relied on William Baume's experience and the reputation of the Baume firm.